Thursday, November 30, 2006
Malaysia ----in the club of doom....
His thesis is that unless Malaysian leaders start addressing these issues...we are slowly but surely ushered in to this "club of doom"....
Wow...very pessismistic and escape???
Monday, November 27, 2006
Expanding the cake before there can be bigger slices of it to share...
I don't think this reality portrayed by UMNO is true....the Malays I know, the culture and arts they produced cannot be but be products of a people of sophistication and high intellect....
Its sad day, to see leaders emphasing the negative and pertuating a negative stereotype of their own people so that they can "milk" the system of more priveleges for themselves, family and the expense of their own community.....reminds me of the "do-gooders" parasites championing the "rights & privileges" of the aborigines in australia and the "harijans" of India.....
Using their own community as an excuse, the leaders begin to milk the priveleges for themselves....
Can the biggets party in Malaysia wean themselves of this milk...or will they suck it till the country grows weak.....and can no longer produce good quality milk in sufficient quantities....
Remember, how can you have bigger slices...if the cake is not growing any bigger or reverses itself and starts shrinking.....
Remember, Vietnam and the rest of the world are bitting at our heels....
As a Malaysian Chinese, I desperately want my Malay brothers to succeed!!!!. If my Malay brothers fail...then Malaysia cannot succeed!!! And if Malaysia fails.....then there is no way for the Malaysian Chinese to succeed....
My ability to succeed is tied to theirs...we are inticately interwoven.....we for better or conjugal twins...tied together....with a shared it or not....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Living in a make believe world.....Malaysia?
Measured by the standards of Bangladesh, Indonesia and Philippines...Malaysia would seemed to be successful...but measure ourselves by Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea...we far behind....Some even say Thailand has overtaken us....and last year Indonesia have more FDI than we did...for the first time in more than 3 decades.....are our leaders sleeping ???? .......soon may be Vietnam.....but then maybe Malaysia can be champions in the minor league with the likes of Bangladesh, Philippines and Nepal.... while those who were behind us before had leapfrogged over us into the Major or even the Champions League..while our leaders are like Nero fiddling around while Rome was burning......
Learning from China, where with tenacity and focus they managed to overcome great odds to build a nation for themselves..proud and strong..pragmatic and rent seeking......
Friday, November 10, 2006
China awakens, flattens the earth......lessons for us in Penang & Malaysia
This one man willing to resist Mao and the prevailing popular cause and got into trouble, not once but twice. He was dealt harsly and landed himself in labour camps, saw his children brutalised.......
Yet today, because of his belief that pragmatism and empiricism should prevailed, China is able to pull herself out of the deep ideological grave that she has dugged herself into after the 1949 revolution....SEEKING TRUTH FROM FACTS ....He urge his nation to abandon ideological positions and preconceptions, but rather to seek to use what see the world as it is rather than what it ought to be......By just doing that China was set free to develop to be what it is today.....
Can Malaysia and Penang, do that. Are we still trying to see the world as it ought rather what it is? Are we trying to mould the world to our ideological framework or whether we are willing to take the worl as it is and work out the best solution one step at a our Chinese friends up north like to say......yi pu..yi pu ...lai ... one step at a time.....
Lessons we ignore to our peril........and slowly our rankings slip......further and further down...the world is flat and it gets flatter everyday.......only the quick and nimble survive.....We in Malaysia will learn soon enough that the world does not owe us a living.....
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Stunned by China.......

Went to China the later part of September this year. Visited Quilin, Heipu (near Beihai) Kwangsi Province. This Province is borders Vietnam. Guilin, Heipu and Beihai are located in this province.
While Guilin is almost 600 km further inland, Heipu and Beihai (Heipu is only 28 km from Beihai and connected by a four lane expressway) is along the coast. Both these towns are located along the Gulf of Tonkin. During the Vietnam War, much of Vietnam's supplies pass through these little port, along the coasts into the fishing ports in Vietnam. Moving undetected thes fishing boats brought much needed supplies for the war effort.
Today peace the times of the Han Dynasty, the Beihai Port was one of the silk road ports...much like Quanzhou in Fujien Province......And there are plans to build a USD80 billion petrochemical port and industrial estate here....
What is quite astounding is the growth of China.....Yes, you must have heard of it until you are probablu sick of hearing it again....China, the sleeping dragon has woken up....and the world trembles in trepediation or in anticpation.....
Within less than 3 decades......they had developed so can only be described as stupendous....four lanes and sometimes 8-lane expressway criss-crosses the whole country......more & more later...BUT SEEING IS BELIEVING>>>>

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
In Penang and suffering from food poisoning.....
its about the longest duration from Saturday until today....although it has been much better yesterday....still I have been gentle on my alimenatry system...lest it rebels and sends me back to the toilets again.....
why is it we can't have cleaner food preparations, running water....proper, awarness, training and constant reminders.....again and again....
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Penang...what good can come out of it
So Penang...what good can come out of it.....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Penang -Bogor, & contrast

One thing that hit you when you are in Jakarta-Bogor, the mass of humanity and congestion. Yet despite such hellish conditions, the Javanese i met are a cheerful lot....maybe it is something in their water.....Well one thing for sure, there are not affected by haze.......the winds blow them from Sumatra and Kalimantan to us neighbours...Malaysia and Singapore....
I went to a place about 30 km from Bogor, called Suka Bumi...or literally Happy Earth. The photo is a floating restaurant near Happy Earth....the rafts are made of the rakits we find in Sungai Kelantan, Jelai and Pahang.....You order your food and when it arrives....the waiter will then paddle you away in the rakit...while you enjoy your lunch and scenery....No life jackets here....I wonder if there are any mishaps before....
Yes, Happy Earth......Suka Bumi...relax.....