There are so many things wrong about Penang but thank GOD there are also so many things in Penang that are worthy of praise.
The trees that cover most of Penang are worthy of praise. The raintrees in particular...they are not native but are from South America...they had been deliberately planted...and how majestic they are indeed!

They provide shade and a cool respite from the unforgiving mid-day sun...
To sit under the shade of a mature raintree beats the shade of the coolibah tree anytime of the day...
Penang is blessed with lots of mature raintrees....go to the youth Park and u can see them in their amazing glory...
Some technical infomation for those who are interested:
RAIN TREE [rain tree] also called monkeypod, a large leguminous tropical tree ( Albizia saman or Samanea saman ) of tropical America belonging to the family Leguminosae ( pulse family), the leaves of which fold together in cloudy weather and in darkness. Rain trees may attain heights of 80 ft (24 m) with a branch spread of up to 100 ft (30 m). These flat-topped trees are widely cultivated throughout the tropics as shade trees for such crops as coffee and cacao. Their edible pods are used chiefly for stock feed. The durable wood has a deep, rich color and is used for furniture. Other species of the genus are grown in warm climates for timber or food and sometimes as a source of gums and tannin. Rain trees are classified in the division Magnoliophyta , class Magnoliopsida, order Rosales, family Leguminosae.
Source: Author not available, RAIN TREE., The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2006
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