Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Georgetown & its suburbs: Trees 1

Trees maybe boring subjects to most of us. However, i love them....i am fascinated by them. Trees make my home and my city this tropical clime where my home is situated, without is unbearable....who wants to live in hell....sweltering heat ......120% humidity.... hot & clammy....

Trees provide shady respite from the blazing tropical sun...cools the ambient temperature....and for the observant, it provides... a feast to the eyes....their design and structure.....of leaves, branches and trunk....the wonderful architecture and engineering.....and the flowers, if they bloom...the beauty of colors and shapes...

Penang, and georgetown is blessed with its trees...yet many of its inhabitants pass by without appreciating any of them until they hacked down and left to rot.....

Plant more trees....God we need them desperately in this city. For its shade and for its ability to refresh us....physically and spiritually...

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