Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 going out with a whimper....

The year started with a great omph... there was so much anticipation especially in the political arena...and true to predictions...March 8 or if you like the chinese way of putting 083....the year the opposition roll back the tide ...the blue BN tide...kudos for Anwar Ibrahim's political savvy...getting PAS & DAP on side.......

The aftermath of the elections... the squatter issue, the wrongful use of the ISA on victims instead of on the pepetrators of sensitive issues....and now with the wisdom of hindsight, all masterminded by an unseen hand to undermine the credibility of the wounded Pak Lah and to force his hand to hand over the reigns to his deputy......

The Olympics in Beijing...serve out the coming of age of China...the sick man of Asia...its healing and restoration...and finally an Asian Giant.....after 200 years of abnormality China finally regains its rightful place.....

But the financial meltdown starting in the US when the Government refuse to bail out Lehman Brothers started the downward slide and the mighty crash of 2008...this crash like a big financial tsunami will soon engulf everyone and no one including Malaysia will be spared......

Maybe because of this, the unseen hand in Malaysia had been cautious in "sponsoring' more havoc.......fearing maybe this will send Malaysia into a steep decline, never to recover......when we will be comparing ourselves with Zimbabwe...the favourite African nation led by you know's friend, Mr. Mugabe.....

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